This week I decided to read Night Circus, by author, Eric Morgenstern. It was honestly really refreshing, taking place in a 19th - 20th century environment and following multiple different protagonists as well as being a kind of story that I have never seen told in this way nor as uniquely as this. It feels however ,that the story itself and the world building was a lot more developed than the characters themselves. I think overall, its a well written and overall well developed story. It does however feel more dissociated, like it was not meant to make a statement. It felt like a lot of novel focused on certain aspects that I found uninteresting and far too little time on topics that I desperately wanted to read more about.
I think that magical or spiritual fiction can play a huge role in captivating young adult readers, usually in stories with a younger character going through challenges in life that can relate to the reader. The thing that makes a lot of them more compelling is the use of magic and mystery, which only adds to the dilemma at play, however the starting issue is something down to earth that any normal human can relate to. Harry Potter has these sorts of elements sprinkled all throughout it. Although elements like dangerous events, death defying battles with cursed creatures, and over ambitious tournaments may disconnect from our world, the love triangles, altercation's with close friends and loss of loved ones rings true and connects to us on a deep and personal level.
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