This week, the topic is Literary Speculation, a topic defined as by the Oxford Research Encyclopedia as a field of cultural production rather than a genre, speculative fiction is not limited to any specific literary techniques.
I ended up reading Cosmicomics, a short collection of twelve short stories written by Italo Calvino. The stories were originally published in Italian in 1965 and later in English in 1968. The stories all take a scientific fact validated by the time of the 1960's and builds an imaginative yet debatable short story out of it. I had decided to read these because I remember us reading The Aquatic Uncle and All at One Point in our class. Theses twelve stories make you question what you are even reading, and the importance of it existing. I really enjoyed each of the stories, all of which while showing proof of the specific topic being discussed while having a light hearted or funny aspect. It really gives you something that sticks in your mind for a while after reading.
I think in Speculative Literature, the authors dont exactly try to or are interested in hitting the mark of whatever genre there writing in and instead push to craft their own genre in their writing of stories. Ever single story I read usually ended in a strange loop and felt trippy in a lot of ways. It felt weird and unlike anything I have read, but at the same time it was so unique I couldn't stop looking into it more. A lot of the endings revolve around something that seems rather personal to the author or involves just messing with time and space itself. It feels alien or not of our world, but also can be very casual and relatable to our everyday life in the world we live in. Genre shouldn't limit a writer from making something unique or writing a novel in any specific way. I would highly recommend reading this collection of short novels.
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